PacCup 2018 Page | THE BOAT: David Eichhorn's Ride to Hawaii | Homepage |
VESSEL: Highlander DESIGN: Cal-40 LENGTH: 40 feet DESIGN YEAR: 1967 OWNER & CAPTAIN: Robert Horton
Purchased by Bob Horton in 2014, and finally arriving in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2015, Highlander is a proud member of one of the most desirable design classes for the races from California to Hawaii.
Having spent most of her life in Eastern Canadian lake waters, Highlander was in relatively good shape when Bob found her, if only a little bit neglected. She was a live-aboard for many of the last years before Bob found her, complete with live-in cats! Bob spent the three years leading up to the 2018 Pacific Cup renovating nearly every aspect of Highlander, with particularly intensive work taking place in the last year before the race.
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